Mini-Guide: São Paulo with kids

Mini-Guide – Created with Buggl


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About The Guidebook – Sao Paulo with Kids

Sao Paulo is a city of contrasts. Many buildings and traffic jam but also parks, libraries and places to forget about time and just relax. Sao Paulo seems to be only business but it is also a city for kids. With many events and places to go, you can bring your family and kids and enjoy the city.


Local Knowledge & Cool Perks

São Paulo, or Sampa as it is also often called, is also probably one of the most underrated cities tourism-wise, often overshadowed by other places in the Brazilian sun & beach circuit such as Rio de Janeiro and Salvador. It is in fact a great city to explore, with its own idiosyncrasies, the exquisite way of living of its inhabitants, not to mention the world-class restaurants and diverse regional and international cuisine available to all tastes. If there is a major attraction to this city, it is the excellent quality of its restaurants and the variety of cultural activities on display. (Source




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